How Do the new and improved Advanced
GHR Platinum HGH Releaser products Work?

LEARN HOW the new Doctor-formulated GHR platinum products can help you grow young

This website provides a wealth of information about the new and improved, Advanced GHR PLATINUM Hgh Releasers products. Using the navigation links provided at the top of the pages, you can read one or more Blog Articles in each section. They explain the various aspects of the latest Doctor-Formulated, Anti-Aging GHR PLATINUM supplements. We are adding to and updating these Blog Articles on a regular basis. If you wish to be informed when we post a new or updated Blog Article, simply Subscribe to our Email List ( scroll Down to the bottom of this page ). Then we will send Links directly to your Inbox for new and updated Blog Articles, as they become available.

What is Human Growth Hormone ( HGH )?

Our bodies produce many different hormones. They manage and regulate many different processes, metabolic activities, functions, systems and organs in our bodies. Many of these hormones work together and interact with each other. They can function like switches. In this way, they can promote or inhibit the release of another hormone. Or they can modulate and slow down or even stop the release of a related hormone.


Some of the more familiar hormones include Cortisol, Insulin, Melatonin, Adrenaline, Testosterone, Estrogen and Progesterone. Many of the hormones are amino acid derivatives. Others are forms of peptides, which are short chains of amino acids linked together. Some  of the hormones are really steroids, which includes the sex hormones. 

The Advanced GHR Platinum HgH Releasers Help Your Body Overcome Symptoms of the Aging Process

Take Advantage of this Special Offer today:
Order Two Bottles of GHR PLATINUM ( For MEN or For WOMEN ) and Get One Bottle For FREE.
( As a Bonus Offer, you will also receive One Bottle of Anti-Aging Vitamins-Minerals Complex For FREE )

( order 2
 and Get 1 FREE )

GHR PLATINUM For MEN is a unique and advanced
HGH Releaser product, designed especially for men,
that is also Doctor-Formulated. It includes a Fat Burner for the Belly, an Enhancer for Sexual Libido and a Blocker of DHT Blocker for Hair Loss.

( order 2
 and Get 1 FREE )

GHR Platinum For WOMEN is the only HGH Releaser product, designed especially for women, that is also Doctor-Formulated. It includes a Fat Burner for your body, Adaptogens to help your Balance Hormones,
a Stress Regulator, and Reducers for Wrinkles & Cellulite.

NOTE: Are you aware that the amount of BELLY FAT which people have around their BELLY could negatively and adversely impact the amount of Growth Hormone ( GH ) that is produced and released from their Pituitary Glands? Read more about it in this blog article, near the bottom of the page: Studies of the Ingredients: HgH Amino Acids.

What is human growth hormone ( hgh )?

Our bodies naturally produce and store Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ). It is synthesized in the Pituitary Gland. This is one of the hormones that directly affects body growth from birth to about age 20 years or so. From around that time, until about age 40, the levels of our HGH generally remain very high. But sometime around 40 years old, the levels of Growth Hormone ( GH ) for most people begin to dramatically decline. The result of this is that we tend to both look and feel older. This is part of what is called the Aging Process. Multitudes of research studies have shown that the decrease in the general levels of HGH in our bodies is related to many of the symptoms, problems and issues that affect our overall health and well-being as we grow older.

Diagram Showing Decline of HGH Levels in the Body from the Aging Process

what are the hormones in the body that are related to human growth hormone ( hgh )

GHRelin - is released in the Stomach. It works by stimulating an increase in your appetite. It also is involved with the secretion and release of Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) from the Anterior Pituitary Gland.


LEPTIN - works by stimulating a decrease in your appetite ( hunger ). At the same time, it also works to increase body  metabolism. Leptin is released in Adipose Tissues, which are basically Fat Cells throughout the body. The fat cells store energy in the form of lipids. They also provide cushion and insulation for the body. Research has shown that in people suffering from obesity, the Adipose Tissue is indicated in the chronic release of pro-inflammatory markers in the body. These markers are then responsible for the development of a certain group of diseases, which are then called Metabolic Syndrone. These include Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and AtheroSclerosis ( hardening of the arteries due to build up of fatty deposits on the inner walls of the arteries ).


So the hormones GHRelin and LEPTIN actually work together. The synthesis and release of these two hormones is directly affected by the quality of our sleep. When you get enough good quality sleep, especially the necessary Deep Sleep ( REM Sleep ), your body will produce and release more LEPTIN. Thus you will have less of an appetite and a higher level of metabolism ( to burn energy, calories and fat ). This in turn then helps your body to maintain a healthy weight. But when you are not getting enough high quality sleep, or not sleeping through the night on a regular basis, your body produces and releases more LEPTIN. In that case, you will have more of an appetite and a lower level of metabolism. This appears to be one of the factors in causing weight gain.


Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone ( GH - RH ) - is released in the Hypothalamus Gland, which is a small portion of the vetebrate brain. It has various purposes. One of its most important functions is to connect the Nervous System with the Endocrine System, through the activities of the Pituitary Gland. The Hypothalamus is located below the Thalamus Gland. Its name is derived from ancient Greek: ὑπό hu-póh), which means "under"  and  θάλαμος ( Thálamohs ), which means "chamber". The Hypothalamus is part of the Limbic System, which is also known as the Cortex.


The Cortex is a group of structures and tissues in the brain that are located on both sides of the Thalamus, just beneath the Cerebrum in the Forebrain. It has the size like an almond. The Hypothalamus regulates certain metabolic activities in the body, as well as various processes of the Autonomic Nervous System. It produces, and then secretes, a number of Neuro-Hormones, which are called Releasing Hormones. These are also called "Hypothalamic Hormones" that then stimulate or inhibit the release of hormones from the Pituitary Gland. The Hypothalamus Gland regulates various processes and activities in the body, including body temperature, hunger, thirst, sleep, fatigue and ciracadian cycles.


Growth Hormone ( GH )is released in the Anterior Pituitary Gland. As its name implies, it stimulates growth of the body, along with cell reproduction. It is also involved in the release of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 ( IGF-1 ) in the LiverThe Anterior Pituitary is a major organ of the Endocrine System. The Pituitary Gland, located at the base of the brain, has two major parts: the Anterior Pituitary ( in the front ) and the Posterior Pituitary ( in the back ). It protrudes out from the bottom of the Hypothalamus Gland. So Growth Hormone and IGF-1 work together. Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 is also known as Somatomedin. It regulates the growth and development of cells in the whole body.


Growth Hormone–Inhibiting Hormone ( GH - IH ) - regulates the Endocrine System. It affects neuro-transmission and is involved in cell growth. This hormone also inhibits the secretion and release of both Insulin from Beta Cells in the Pancreas, as well as Glucagon from Alpha Cells in the Pancreas( Glucagon is a hormone involved with managing blood sugar levels, triglyceride levels in the Liver, and fat-lipid cells in the Adipose Tissues ).


Growth Hormone–Inhibiting Hormone is also known as Somatostatin. It is also called by several other names which all sound very similar. These include the following : Growth Hormone Release – Inhibiting Hormone ( GH-RIH ), Somatotropin Release–Inhibiting Factor ( SRIF ) and finally Somatotropin Release – Inhibiting Hormone ( SRIH )The Growth Hormone–Inhibiting Hormone works by inhibiting the release of Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) from the Anterior Pituitary Gland. It also works by suppressing the release or flow of various other hormones involved in a variety of metabolic processes in the body related to various important Gastro-Intestinal ( GI ) functions ( including the Stomach and Colon ) and the digestion of proteins and fats.

how does GHR platinum work to help your body overcome symptoms of aging?

The new and improved Advanced GHR PLATINUM Anti-Aging supplements are Doctor-formulated products, that help your body slow down, stop and even reverse many of the health symptoms and issues of aging. As stated above, our bodies actually already produce their very own natural Human Growth Hormones ( HGH ), which are comprised of various Amino Acids in Peptide Chains The problem appears to be, that as we grow older, our Pituitary Glands simply stop releasing them. Thus the overall levels of HGH in our bodies steadily decrease as we grow older.


GHR PLATINUM products are All-Natural, Organic formulations, that are thus also non-GMOThey work by assisting your body to Stimulate your Pituitary Gland, so that it will "Release" your own natural Growth Hormone ( GH ) - just like your body did when you were younger. For this reason, Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) is now sometimes referred to as the "Youth Hormone"These HGH - Releaser products developed by the maker of GHR PLATINUM are based on the Original GHR Platinum foundation, which was created more than 20 years ago. They contain a carefully chosen group of specific Amino Acids, in a Proprietary Blendthat has been clinically proven, in many research studies from around the world, to work, by helping the body to Stimulate the Secretion of the Growth Hormone ( GH ) that your body already produces. There are advantages and benefits of taking the new and improved GHR PLATINUM HGH - Releaser products. The Amino Acids which are contained in the veggie capsules of these advanced formulas, are  combined ( "stacked" ) in a specific way, that makes them more effective in how they work.


There have been more than 20,000 Clinical Studies and Research Trials, of various kinds, conducted by scientists and medical and health researchers, in many countries throughout the world, during the last 30 plus years. Each of the ingredients used in the formulations of the Anti-Aging products of GHR PLATINUM have been proven clinically to work both safely and effectively. Moreover, they work without any known negative side affects or adverse side effects.


In addition, as a result of the many advances in science, medical research and technology, throughout all these years, more improvements and upgrades have been made to the GHR PLATINUM line of Anti Aging products. There are now four significant Proprietary Blends of ingredients that are incorporated into these new and improved HGH ReleasersConsequently they work even more effectively and more powerfully than ever before. These additional compounds, also clinically proven to work safely and effectively, to enhance and fortify the ability of GHR PLATINUM to help your body overcome, and even reverse, many of the symptoms of aging. Thus the GHR PLATINUM family of Anti-Aging supplements can also be known as HGH Enhancers or HGH BoostersThese Proprietary Blends include the following:



The GHR PLATINUM group of products now contain a special version made just For MEN , as well as a special version made just For WOMEN. Each of these unique Doctor-Formulated products contains additional ingredients which are intended to help specific health needs of men and women, respectively. Both are Organic, All-Natural ( non-GMO ) Anti Aging supplements. They are diligently backed by so much medical science provided by countless research studies. Each of the  selected ingredients used is scientifically proven to help slow down, stop, and even reverse - many of the aging symptoms that men and women often have as they grow older.


Start using GHR PLATINUM today. Learn more about these remarkable AntiAging supplements. We will have many Blog Articles for you to read and help you to better understand how the GHR PLATINUM products work. We will also include various product reviews by medical doctors and men and women using the products. Finally, we encourage you to Subscribe to our Email List, so that you will be kept up-to-date as we add or update the Blog Articles. Discover how the advanced GHR PLATINUM products can help you to experience better health and well-being, so that you can enjoy doing, or continue to do, the things in life that make you happy and fulfilled.

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Where Can I Order the Advanced GHR PLATINUM products For MEN and For WOMEN?

NOTE: If you want to Share Your Personal Testimony or Success Story, confidentially with us, concerning how the  GHR PLATINUM Anti Aging product works for you - please use this Share Your Personal Testimony form instead.

NOTE: If you want to Ask a Question about the GHR PLATINUM products - please use this Contact Us form instead.

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