How To boost your hgh levels naturally
These are some of the simple things that you can do, beginning right now, which can help you to make a positive improvement on your health and well-being. These things can help your body to naturally elevate the levels of your Growth Hormone ( GH ).
PLACE AT LEAST THREE ( 3 ) HOURS between Your last meal and your SLEEP-time
When you eat Starches and Sugars ( Carbohydrates ), your INSULIN levels will increase. INSULIN is a Hormone that is produced, and then released, from the Pancreas, so you can digest the Carbohydrates. So if you consume a lot of foods containing sugars and starches, your body is going to secrete a lot of INSULIN rather quickly, in a very short period of time.
The production and release of Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) in the Pituitary Gland is managed by two ( or more specific ) Hormones: The first is called Growth-Hormone Releasing Hormone ( GH-RH ) which regulates the Pituitary Gland. The second is called Somatostatin ( SS ) which controls the Hypothalamus Gland that is connected to it.
What then is the connection between INSULIN levels and Growth Hormone ( GH ) levels?
Clinical research studies have shown that INSULIN can negatively affect secretion of Growth Hormone ( GH ).
Therefore, higher levels of INSULIN will cause lower levels of Growth Hormone ( GH ).
And it generally takes about two ( 2 ) to three ( 3 ) hours for the levels of INSULIN in your body to stabilize.
So if you eat a LOT of Carbohydrates in your last meal or in snacks before sleep-time,
then you will probably have a LOW level of Growth Hormone ( GH ) released that night.
Your body produces greater amounts of Growth Hormones at night, when you are sleeping. Additionally, it is then at a particular Sleeping Stage during the Sleep Cycle, that your Pituitary Gland will release it. So if you have a HIGH level of INSULIN when you go to sleep, then you are probably going to spend Less Time in that crucial Stage of Sleeping that night. And thus again you will have a LOW level of Growth Hormone ( GH ) released that night. So, it is better for your overall health and well-being, to place at least Three ( 3 ) hours between your last meal of the day and your bedtime.
*** It is precisely for this reason that when you use the GHR PLATINUM veggie capsules,
you take them at bedtime, preferably Three ( 3 ) Hours after your last meal. ***
Eat Foods COOKED With Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil has many incredible health benefits. It is rich in Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 Fatty Acids. These are nutrients which are vitally important to support a healthy Brain Function and your whole Neurological System.
Research shows that the human brain contains about 60% FAT. These FATTY ACIDS ( LIPIDS ) are used to regulate the making and functioning of brain cell neurons. They are also necessary for the proper functioning of cells throughout the entire body. These Fatty Acid nutrients are crucial for the healthy functioning of the NeuroTransmitters in the brain. They are also needed for use in various Cognitive Functions, along with balancing our Mood and Emotions.
Moreover, the Fatty Acids in the brain are vital to aid in decreasing inflammation in the brain, which could cause tremendous damage to our brain health and state of mind, and thus to our whole body as well. In a similar way, studies have shown that FATTY ACIDS play a significant role in helping to protect the brain from various conditions due to Degenerative Deterioration in the Brain and Neurological System.
Our bodies can NOT make these important FATTY ACIDS substances. Therefore, we must get them from our foods or take them from supplements. However, we suggest that you use only up to Two ( 2 ) Tablespoons per day.
Coconut Oil is known by researchers for its interesting ability to boost HGH levels within about 30 to 90 minutes of eating. Research studies show that HgH can remain at a higher level for up to four ( 4 ) hours after eating.
How can you use Coconut Oil in your diet? Just make sure that you use ( or eat ) only a form that is Organic / Natural, Pure, Virgin and Cold-Pressed. You can cook with it, rather than using Processed Oils, such as Soybean Oil, Peanut Oil, Safflower Oil, and in place of butter or margarine. It adds a nice flavor to your cooked foods as well.
Reduce or Eliminate Caffeine and alcohol Consumption from your Diet
Drinking beverages that contain caffeine, whether sodas, "energy drinks", coffee or even some teas, containing high amounts of caffeine, can disrupt and interfere with the normal progression through the Four Stages of Sleep. This could happen particularly if you consume caffeine in the evening close to your bedtime. Again, as explained above, you should try to place Three ( 3 ) Hours between your last meal of the day, including any caffeine beverages, and your bedtime.
Furthermore, it so happens that caffeine actually has a detrimental effect on our bodies. Did you know that it can significantly diminish the body Vitamin B-Complex? Yet these vitamins are vitally necessary for so many processes and activities of metabolism and for our day to day health and well-being. The Vitamin B nutrients are critical for our day-to-day physical, mental and emotional health and well-being. The GHR PLATINUM products include many of them in these Doctor-Formulated supplements. Read more about how these B- Vitamins work. And except Cobalamin - Vitamin B12, our bodies can NOT store them. Thus, we must consume them every day.
Consuming alcohol can have a dramatic negative impact on the quality of your sleep. Use of higher amounts of alcohol can adversely affect when you reach the Stage of Sleep called "REM Sleep". Moreover, it can cause you to spend LESS TIME in that critically-needed "REM Sleep".
That being said, the use of tobacco, can also disrupt and interfere with your quality of sleep, besides causing other health problems.
Reduce Body Fat, Especially Belly Fat
There are many clinical studies and research trials which show that there is a strong link between VISCERAL BODY FAT and Human Growth Hormone ( HgH ) levels. In particular, stored BELLY FAT even more negatively and adversely affects both the production of your HGH, as well as its Release.
By lowering the amount of FAT around your waistline area, you help your body to produce and then release more of your Growth Hormone ( GH ). One of the many benefits of using the GHR PLATINUM products, is that it can help you to lose both BODY FAT and BELLY FAT.
Improve the Quality of your Sleep
There is a direct correlation between the quality of your sleep and the amount of Growth Hormone ( GH ) that your body can and will produce and then release. It is not just How Many Hours of sleep that you get that are important. It is the quality of your sleep that is critical for your entire health and well-being, physically, mentally and emotionally.
One of the most simple ways to help yourself improve the quality of sleep is to go to sleep between 9 pm and 10 pm. And as we explained above, make sure that you complete your last meal, at least two ( 2 ) hours before your go to sleep. But it is even much better is there is three ( 3 ) hours between that last meal and your bedtime.
Here are three more simple things that you can do to help improve the quality of your sleep is the following:
- Sleep in a cool, dark room that is in a quiet environment
- Establish a routine of going to sleep at a particular time every night
- Enjoy some kind of calming and soothing activity, just before bedtime. This might include taking a warm bath
Again, one of the many benefits of using the GHR PLATINUM products, is that it can help you to significantly improve the quality of your sleep. This in turns pays huge dividends in rewarding you with improved health, energy, strength, vitality, mental focus and clarity, enhanced libido, lower cholesterol levels, and so much more.
Add More of the amino acids l-arginine and l-lysine to your diet
There are many clinical studies and research trials which demonstrate and prove that the Amino Acids L-ARGININE and L-LYSINE elevate production and release of Growth Hormone ( GH ) in the body.
You can boost your HGH levels by eating protein foods that contain them, such as fish, chicken, eggs, or beef. You can also take a clinically-proven Hgh Releaser, like the GHR PLATINUM products. These Doctor-Formulated supplements include these, and other certain amino acids - in a Proprietary Blend, in the Right Ratio and Molecular Weight, that helps your body replenish and restore your levels of HgH, naturally, safely and effectively.
Take a GABA Supplement
Gamma AminoButyric Acid ( GABA ) is an important NeuroTransmitter which sends signals in your brain. It works by slowing down certain brain signals going throughout your body by blocking them in your nervous system. In this way it produces a calming effect on your Central Nervous System. Scientists believe that it plays a significant role in controlling nerve cell hyperactivity that is associated with anxiety, stress and fear.
The GHR PLATINUM anti aging products contain the right amount of Gamma AminoButyric Acid ( GABA ) in the Proprietary Blend of the HGH Enhancers Complex.
GET adequate amounts of exercise
Research has learned that exercising can help to boost HGH levels. If you can do some kind of intensity or strenuous exercises or workouts, from time to time, that is even better. But even just walking, for thirty ( 30 ) to forty five ( 45 ) per day, goes a long way to helping to reduce stress, clear your mind, and help your physical and mental well-being.
Of course, there are various factors that affect how much your levels of HGH may increase. This includes the type of exercise, how long, any foods that you eat before the exercise or workout, your age, body composition and so on.
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