Sleeping and release of hgh at night
Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) is secreted / released in your body, in pulses. This primarily happens while we are sleeping. These pulses are based on what is called Circadian Rhythm, which is the body’s own internal clock for metabolic processes that take place every day. Research shows that the largest amount of Growth Hormone ( GH ) is released in the second half of the night when you are sleeping. Therefore, getting enough quality sleep is a critical physiological component that stimulates the release of your own natural Growth Hormone ( GH ).
When we are sleeping, there are FOUR ( 4 ) STAGES which we go through. Each of these phases is important in the process of repairing, restoring and rebuilding our brains and our bodies. While we sleep, we progress through all four of these stages in cycles, which can last about ninety ( 90 ) minutes each.
The first Three ( 3 ) Stages are when there are NO - Rapid Eye Movements ( R E M ). All of these NREM stages of sleep are vital for both physical and mental restoration in our bodies and minds. Consequently, the deprivation of adequate quality of sleep, or "fragmented periods of sleep", can cause various health problems. About 75% of our total sleep cycles each night, occurs in these three stages of NREM sleep, which are called Stage N1, Stage N2 and Stage N3.
During these periods of sleep, our bodies experience slower breathing, less muscle activity, lower heartbeat, and less brain waves. Stages N1 and N2 are called "Light Sleep", while Stage N3 is called "Deep Sleep". Health experts believe that this Third Sstage ( N3 ) is the most critical to enable your body and brain to rejuvenate themselves. As we progress through each of these cycles or stages, various functions, activities and processes in our bodies and brains slow down. This enables our bodies and brains to repair and restore themselves.
Why is this Third Stage ( N3 ) of Sleep so critical to our health and well-being?
It is precisely during this period of "Deep Sleep" ( Stage N3 ) that the Pituitary Gland releases Growth Hormone ( GH ). And simultaneously, during those moments, is when your body and brain is healing and repairing itself. Thus there is a clear and direct relationship to sleep and the quality of our sleep, and the production and secretion ( release ) of our Growth Hormone.
Moreover, the maximum levels of Release of our natural Growth Hormone take place within just a few minutes of the beginning of this period of "Deep Sleep". It is also called "Slow Wave Sleep", because the greatest portion of our brain wave activity at this time is of a slow wave frequency. This is when the electrical impulses in the brain change, while the body relaxes into Deep and Restorative Rest. Each period of this Slow Wave Sleep can last from about twenty ( 20 ) to forty ( 40 ) minutes. As we grow older, the amount of total time that we spend in this "Deep Sleep" / "Slow Wave Sleep", becomes less. And thus this appears to be one of the many symptoms of the Aging Process.
But now, by using one of the GHR PLATINUM Anti-Aging products,
you can help your body to resolve and improve the quality of your sleep.
This Third Stage ( N3 ) of sleep is believed to play a vital role in restoration and repair of Growth, Memory and Immune Function. This period of sleep is also critical to our being able to wake up in the morning, feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and revitalized. So people who do NOT get enough of this "Deep Sleep" / "Slow Wave Sleep", wake up in the morning feeling tired and fatigued. And perhaps by the afternoon, they simply feel exhausted.
For example, it is during this "Deep Sleep" that both the heart rate and blood pressure slow down. And this is necessary for the health of our Cardiovascular System. Older adults who do NOT get enough of this particular stage of sleep, often will have a greater risk of experiencing high blood pressure and other related serious health issues, including Diabetes Type 2 , stroke and heart failure.
The Fourth Stage of sleep is the phase that is associated with Dreaming. It is also often called "REM" Sleep, because our eyes move rapidly ( Rapid Eye Movements ), even though are eyes are actually closed. Health researchers believe that this crucial REM Sleep is connected to supporting healthy Cognitive Functions, such as learning and memory enhancement. It is also during this time that the brain deals with emotional processing of things. Thus getting enough "REM" Sleep is also crucial for our mental and emotional well-being as well.
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