This is one of nine additional ingredients added as part of the MEN'S ENHANCEMENT COMPLEX into the formula of GHR PLATINUM For MEN to provide help and support with their special needs.
FENUGREEK EXTRACT - This herbal ingredient is a medicinal plant, that has been used in alternative medicine, but also has a household spice. It grows about 2 to 3 feet tall. It has green leaves with small yellow or white flowers. The plant produces pods which contain small, golden-brown seeds. These are similar to maple syrup in smell and taste. It is known to naturally restore Testosterone levels and improve Libido.
It might also promote a reduction of body fat. Some studies have shown that it may help to reduce appetite. It may work in this way, because it contains a natural soluble fiber, called Galactomannan, that helps suppress appetite, by making you feel full.
Some research studies indicate that use of this herb may help to lower Cholesterol and TriGlyceride levels. In a similar way, it may also help to reduce blood pressure and blood sugar levels of those with Diabetes. Again, this appears to be due to its fiber content, which slows down the rate at which sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream.
Additionally, it enhances both athletic performance. Interestingly, this herb is used in the making of soaps, shampoos and conditioners.
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