Extra Ingredients For Men: Saw Palmetto

Published on 12 February 2025 at 17:42

This is one of nine additional ingredients added as part of the MEN'S ENHANCEMENT COMPLEX into the formula of GHR PLATINUM For MEN to provide help and support with their special needs.

SAW PALMETTO - is a small palm tree / plant with berries. This fruit has ingredients which block the activity of the Enzyme 5-Alpha-Reductase ( 5-AR ), that converts the Male Hormone Testosterone ( T ) into DiHydroTestosterone, or "DHT".


An important benefit of using this herbal ingredient is its potential ability to help to support hair growth, as well as slow down or stop male pattern baldness and hairloss. The reason for this is that DHT circulating in the bodies of MEN, deprives the hair follicles on the scalp from getting vital nutrients, which are necessary to maintain strong and healthy hair. DHT chokes or clogs the scalp follicles from receiving necessary and vital nourishment. Thus, over time, many years, they begin to grow shorter hairs, grow for shorter periods of time, and eventually die out altogether.


DHT gets into the hair follicles on the scalp and binds to specific androgen hormone receptors. Saw Palmetto blocks the DHT from attaching to those androgen receptors. Thus it aids in combating hair thinning and hairloss by reducing the adverse affects of DHT on scalp hair strands that accumulates in the hair follicles.

At the same time, Saw Palmetto is believed to help decrease the size of, and improve the overall health of - the Prostate. There is some research that suggests it can help improve conditions of men with Enlarged Prostate, that is known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ( BPH ). This might be the result of its content of Beta-Sitosterol. Research shows that Saw Palmetto moderately decreases Erectile Dysfunction ( ED ) and thus improving sexual performance.

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