- DR. Daniel Rudman ( 1990 )

"The effects of human groWth hormone in men over 60 years old"

This published Research Study, by Dr. Daniel Rudman ( July 1990 ) shows some amazing benefits of elevating HGH levels in the body.


On July 5, 1990, Dr. Daniel Rudman, a top medical researcher in evaluating and using HGH treatment, along with various colleagues of his at the Medical College of Wisconsin - published an research article in the prestigious and well-known New England Journal of Medicine.


They conducted an incredible research study, which evaluated the affects of treating a very small group of elderly men with SYNTHETIC injections of Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ). These older men ranged between the ages of  sixty-one ( 61 ) and eighty-one ( 81 ) years old. In order to properly monitor and compare the results of their study, and then make assessments and conclusions about their findings, they included a control group of twelve other men, who were in the very same age range. This second group of men were thus not given the injections of the SYNTHETIC HgH.

The Results of their Research study

They approached this research study with the following in mind:

"The declining activity of the Growth Hormone Insulin-Like Growth Factor I ( IGF-1 ) axis with advancing age may contribute to the decrease in lean body mass and the increase in mass of adipose ( fat ) tissue that occur with aging."


The results of their research trial were simply amazing. The positive effects and benefits of those who were treated with the SYNTHETIC HgH were astonishing. It is said that this research made medical history. They compared and analyzed the affects between the two groups of men, to make evaluations and draw their conclusions.


What they discovered is that the men taking the HGH treatment, received significant positive health benefits, in two  specific areas of their physical health and well-being. The group of 12 healthy elderly men, who were given the treatment, gained an average of approximately 8.8 percent in muscle, during the treatment period of just six months.


Meanwhile, they also lost an average of about 14.4 percent of fat in their bodies, when combined with exercise or dieting. Additionally, the research team also observed and measured that the skin of these men had grown thicker and more firm.


Finally, they also discovered that there was also a corresponding average increase of 1.6% in bone density in the lumbar bones of their spines.


In comparison, in the control group of 9 healthy elderly men who did not receive the HGH treatment, there was  NO significant change in any of these measurements.

Conclusion based on the Research Study

According to his published medical research study, Dr. Daniel Rudman, concluded the following:


"The effects of six ( 6 ) months of ( treatment therapy with ) Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) on Lean Body Mass and Adipose-Tissue Mass { body fat } were equivalent in magnitude to the changes that incurred during ten ( 10 ) to twenty ( 20 ) years of aging".


"Diminished secretion of Growth Hormone is responsible in part for the decrease of lean body mass, the expansion of adipose-tissue mass ( fat ), and the thinning of the skin that occur in old age."


He later adds the following astounding conclusion:

"The overall deterioration of the body that comes with growing old is not inevitable."

Read these additional comments by Dr. Daniel Rudman, concerning the development, release and usage of the GHR PLATINUM Anti-Aging Hgh Releaser supplement - in these product reviews by medical doctors.