The Original GHR ( Growth Hormone Releaser ) formulation was first introduced to the online marketplace more then 20 years ago. It was a huge success. For the first time, men and women were able to take an All-Natural supplement to combat the many effects of growing older. Moreover, it was an affordable and effective product. Prior to this, only the very wealthy could afford to get some kind of treatment. And that was through injections of synthetic HgH that were extremely costly. Moreover, there were various possible negative and adverse side affects of using that.
early improvements and upgrades
The initial release of the Original GHR supplement, almost 25 years ago, was a huge success. Each bottle of those first generation GHR products contained Eighty ( 80 ) capsules. To use the product effectively, for achieving best results, you would take FOUR ( 4 ) CAPSULES before bedtime, for five ( 5 ) days straight. Then you would not use the product for two ( 2 ) days.
Shortly afterwards, that formula was improved, with the addition of a number of Vitamin B ingredients. We might say that this newer and improved formula was the "second generation" of GHR products that was then available, for MEN and WOMEN, who were searching for a safe, effective and natural solution, to help elevate the general levels of their own Growth Hormone ( GH ).
the next levels improvements and enhancements
Some time later, building on the increase in research, technology and advances in medical science, the Original GHR Platinum formula was developed and released. It contained a number of additional improvements and upgrades. That new Anti-Aging supplement took the Hgh Releaser products to the next generation of GHR products. We could call that the "third generation" of GHR products that was then available.
Each bottle also contained Eighty ( 80 ) capsules. Thus, it still required men and women taking it, to use FOUR ( 4 ) CAPSULES before bedtime, for five ( 5 ) days straight. Then you would not use the product for the next two ( 2 ) days.
Then a umber of years later, based on even more research studies, medical science and improvements in technology, to produce safe and effective dietary supplements, the maker of GHR PLATINUM was able to develop and introduce yet another significant improvement in the formulation of that Original GHR PLATINUM product.
The wonderful result was that then, you only had to take TWO ( 2 ) CAPSULES before bedtime, for five ( 5 ) days straight. Then, as also now, you would not use the product for the next two ( 2 ) days. And then you would resume taking the product in this cycle.
And now we have the latest edition of improvements and advances to the GHR PLATINUM family of products. These most recent versions are Doctor Formulated supplements, which now include a specific formula For MEN, as well as a specific formula For WOMEN.
Each of these two new and improved Anti Aging products, also includes some additional ingredients, to help support and meet the unique health needs of MEN and WOMEN respectively.
At the conclusion of this Overview, at the end of the page, we will provide a listing of these extra ingredients that have been included in the new and advanced formulations of GHR PLATINUM For MEN and GHR PLATINUM For WOMEN.
In the meantime, we will now discuss and explain some basic things about what we could call the "base formulation" that is common to both the MEN's formula of GHR PLATINUM and the WOMEN's formula of GHR PLATINUM.
HGH amino acids BLEND
The amount of mg of the Amino Acids Blend has been significantly increased since the Original GHR formula was developed and introduced more than 20 years ago. In fact, the new and improved GHR PLATINUM formulas contain more than twice the number of mg of these critical amino acids compared to the first generation product. This means that these latest improvements to the formulations of GHR PLATINUM For MEN and GHR PLATINUM For WOMEN
make them both dramatically more effective in how they work to help your body replenish and restore the levels of your own natural Growth Hormone ( GH ).
HGH AMINO ACIDS ( Proprietary Blend ) - 755 mg For MEN and 750 mg For WOMEN
- L-Arginine
- L-Glutamine
- L-Glycine
- L-Lysine
- L-Tyrosine
The 22 amino acids that are used to build proteins
There are Twenty Two ( 22 ) Amino Acids that are the building blocks of Proteins. Proteins are molecules of various amino acids that are joined together in linked chains. When they are constructed of Short Chains, they are then called Peptides.
Amino acids are made up of groups of molecules of Amine and Carboxylic Acid. Each amino acid contains the following components: Nitrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, and Hydrogen. Additionally, there are also various other specific aspects of some of the amino acids, depending on their particular usage and function in the body. Moreover, the amino acids also have the following characteristics: polarity, ionization and whether they have "side-groups".
Additionally, there is a specific Molecular Weight to each of the amino acids. These two new and improved formulas of Anti-Aging HgH Releasers of GHR PLATINUM For MEN and GHR PLATINUM For WOMEN combine ( "stack" ) the amino acids that they contain, in a special proprietary way. This makes them more effective in their intended purpose.
In their book: "Growth Hormone: Reversing Human Aging Naturally, The Methuselah Factor", medical researchers Dr. L E Dorman, James Jamieson and Valerie Mariott state the following about the GHR PLATINUM formulas. { They } replenish our bodies with the necessary blend of Stacked HGH-related Amino Acids in the Right Ratio and Molecular Weight which helps our bodies to stimulate and restore ( in the Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus Gland ) their ability to RELEASE our body's own natural Growth Hormone ( GH ). This is why these all-natural, anti aging supplements, are appropriately known as Growth Hormone Releasers ( GHR ).
Proteins are needed and used in the body to make muscles, organs, tissues, cells, hormones, neuro-transmitters and enzymes. They are also used to make anti-bodies, which are necessary for our Immune Function. They are needed to make hormones in our bodies, such as Insulin, Thyroid Hormones and Growth Hormone. They are also used to for tissue repair and wound healing. They are also part of the structure and composition of hair and collagen, which is needed for skin, nails and connective tissues. Finally, proteins are used to convert into energy, that is needed for metabolism and many other processes and functions in the body.
The function, use and effectiveness of amino acids created and used in the body is dependent on their interaction with other amino acids, along with various vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fatty acids. These nutrients all work together in the hundreds of metabolic and enzyme processes that occur in our bodies every day.
There are Twenty Two ( 22 ) Amino Acids that are the building blocks of making PROTEINS. These amino acids are therefore called "ProteinOgenic" ( Protein Creating ). They are divided into the following Three ( 3 ) Groups:
There are EIGHT ( 8 ) Amino Acids that are called "ESSENTIAL". This means that our bodies cannot make them on our own. Therefore we must consume them from foods ( proteins ) we eat. Or we must get them by taking supplements containing them in bio-available forms, that our bodies can properly and effectively absorb. These are the following:
- IsoLeucine
- Leucine
- Lysine ( in the GHR PLATINUM HgH Amino Acid Blend )
- Methionine
- Phenylalanine
- Threonine
- Tryptophan
- Valine
Three of these Essential Amino Acids also form a sub-group that are known as Branched-Chain Amino Acids ( BCAA ). These are: Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine, which are important to building muscles.
Then there are EIGHT ( 8 ) Amino Acids that are called "NON-ESSENTIAL". These are the ones which our bodies are able to create on their own. They are generally produced from the Essential amino acids during normal digestion processing of proteins that we eat. Or we can get them from taking supplements which contain them. As strange as it may seem, our bodies actually use GLUCOSE ( SUGAR ) to get the four component elements of Nitrogen, Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen, that are needed, to produce the functional groups of Amine and Carboxylic Acid ( referred to above ), which comprise amino acids. These are the following:
- Alanine
- Asparagine
- Aspartic Acid ( Aspartate ) ( in the GHR PLATINUM MEN's ENHANCEMENT COMPLEX )
- Glutamic Acid ( Glutamate )
- Gluthionine
- Histidine
- Serine
- Taurine
Finally there are SIX ( 6 ) Amino Acids that are called "CONDITIONAL". This means that the ability of our bodies to produce them is sometimes limited. This happens because of certain conditions or situations that may exist in our bodies, such as poor health, deficiencies in nutrients, or certain stages of life, such as those who are new-born infants or the elderly. These are the following:
- Arginine ( used in the GHR PLATINUM HgH Amino Acid Blend )
- Cysteine
- Glutamine ( used in the GHR PLATINUM HgH Amino Acid Blend )
- Glycine ( used in the GHR PLATINUM HgH Amino Acid Blend )
- Proline
- Tyrosine ( used in the GHR PLATINUM HgH Amino Acid Blend )
There has been much RESEARCH ( clinical studies and research trials ) on the safety and effectiveness of the Proprietary Blend of the HgH Amino Acids Complex used these advanced GHR PLATINUM formulations. This is just one of these studies that you can read about.
There are SIX ( 6 ) Amino Acids that are included in the formulations of the GHR PLATINUM Hgh Releasers products:
Learn more about how the Amino Acid: LYCINE works.
( in the HgH Amino Acids Blend )
Learn more about how the Amino Acid: ARGININE works.
( in the HgH Amino Acids Blend )
Learn more about how the Amino Acid: GLUTAMINE works.
( in the HgH Amino Acids Blend )
Learn more about how the Amino Acid: GLYCINE works.
( in the HgH Amino Acids Blend )
Learn more about how the Amino Acid: TYROSINE works.
( in the HgH Amino Acids Blend )
Learn more about how the Amino Acid: ASPARTIC ACID works.
( in the MEN'S Enhancement Complex )
hgh enhancers ( ULTRATROPIN™ )
This next group of ingredients contains ULTRATROPIN™, which is a proprietary blend of certain compounds unique only to these advanced GHR PLATINUM HgH Releaser supplements. Research studies have clinically proven that these ingredients safely and effectively, enhance the ability of your Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus Gland to produce and secrete more of your own natural Growth Hormone ( GH ).
HGH ENHANCERS COMPLEX ( Proprietary Blend ) - 151 mg
- Anterior Pituitary ( USA source ) and Hypothalamus ( USA source )
- GABA ( Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid )
- Colostrum
- L-Ornithine Alpha-KetoGlutarate ( OKG )
- Alpha Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline ( Alpha GPC )
- Mucuna Pruriens [ Seed ]
What role do each of these substances have in helping our bodies to naturally elevate the levels of our own natural Growth Hormone( GH )? And how do they work?
Here are some blog articles, showing these research studies that explain how these Hgh Enhancers work and why they are safe and effective to use in the GHR PLATINUM anti aging products.
cognitive enhancers
The next group of ingredients that adds to the significant improvement in the effectiveness of these new, advanced GHR PLATINUM anti-aging supplements is the following:
COGNITIVE ENHANCERS ( Proprietary Blend ) - 180 mg
- Acetyl L-Carnitine
- CoEnzyme Q10 ( CoQ-10 )
- Gingko Biloba ( organic )
- Phosphatidyl Serine 20%
- Phosphatidyl Choline 40%
Each of these important ingredients provides additional and necessary nutrients to help make these new formulations more effective in helping your body produce and release more of its own natural Growth Hormone ( GH ).
What function do they play? And how does each of these work? Here are some additional blog articles, showing more research studies which you can read about, concerning these substances. They explain how they work and why they are safe and effective to use in the GHR PLATINUM HgH Releaser ( Hgh Booster ) products.
LONgevity Anti Oxidants
The next group of ingredients that adds to the significant improvement in the effectiveness of these new, advanced GHR PLATINUM anti-aging supplements is the following:
Alpha Lipoic Acid ( A L A )
Grape Seed Extract ( 95% OPC - Oligomeric Proantho Cyanidins 3, organic, Vitis Vinifera L )
Goji Berries ( organic, fruit, Lycium Barbarum )
Anti Oxidants help to neutralize free radicals in the body, which can cause harm and damage to organs, systems, functions, tissues and cells. How do each of the ingredients in the LONGEVITY ANTI OXIDANTS work?
There have been many clinical studies and research trials on what roles each these important ingredients play in our metabolism and health. This research also shows and proves clinically concerning their safety and effectiveness, and how they work. Here are some of blog articles which you can read about concerning these studies.
Vitamin B1 ( Thiamin )
Vitamin B2 ( Riboflavin )
Vitamin B5 ( Pantothenic Acid )
Vitamin B6 ( Pyridoxine )
Vitamin B12 ( Cobalamin )
The number of mg of each of the ingredients in the Vitamin B Complex has been significantly increased since the Original GHR formula was developed and introduced more than twenty ( 20 ) years ago. In fact, it has been more than doubled, to make the current formulas even more powerful and effective than ever before. These Vitamin B nutrients are critical for the proper functioning and health of the of the central nervous system, our nerves and brain.
Research has shown that as we grow older, it becomes more difficult for our stomachs to absorbs these very needed and important vitamins. Therefore, it often becomes necessary for us to increase our daily intake, by using a good supplement containing additional amounts of them.
What function do each of these B Vitamins play in our health and well-being? And how do they work? Here are some additional blog articles, showing more research studies concerning them. They explain how these nutrients work and why having an adequate supply of them is necessary to help our bodies produce and secrete ( release ) proper amounts of our own natural Growth Hormone ( GH ).
These new GHR PLATINUM products now include a unique formulation designed just for the unique needs of MEN. These additional ingredients are the following:
Rhodiola Rosea
Fenugreek Extract 50%
Tribulus Terrestris
Nettle Root
Vitamin B7 ( Biotin )
D-Aspartic Acid
- Saw Palmetto
This product is the only Doctor-Formulated HGH Releaser supplement that is made especially For MEN that includes: a FAT BURNER for the BELLY, an ENHANCER for SEXUAL LIBIDO and a DHT BLOCKER for male pattern baldness and hair loss.
To learn about the purpose of each of these ingredients, and how they work, read these nine ( 9 ) blog articles about the MEN's ENHANCEMENT COMPLEX of GHR PLATINUM.
NOTE: Did you know that the amount of FAT that people carry around their BELLY can negatively and adversely affect the production of Growth Hormone ( GH ) that is made and released from their Pituitary Glands? Read more about it in this blog article, near the bottom of the page: Studies of the Ingredients: HgH Amino Acids.
These new GHR PLATINUM products now also include a unique formulation that is designed just for the unique needs of WOMEN. The additional ingredients included are the following:
Ashwaghandha ( Root Extract 2.5% Withanolides )
MACA Root ( organic, Lepidium Meyenii )
Conjugated Linoleic Acid ( CLA )
Collagen ( Bovine )
Garcinia Cambogia ( fruit )
This product is the only Doctor-Formulated HGH Releaser supplement that is made especially For WOMEN that includes: a FAT BURNER for the BODY, ADAPTOGENS to help balance hormones, a REGULATOR for Stress and REDUCERS for Wrinkles and Cellulite.
To learn about the purpose of each of these ingredients, and how they work, read these six ( 6 ) blog articles on the WOMEN's ENHANCEMENT COMPLEX of GHR PLATINUM.
NOTE: Did you know that the amount of FAT that people carry around their BELLY can negatively and adversely affect the production of Growth Hormone ( GH ) that is made and released from their Pituitary Glands? Read more about it in this blog article, near the bottom of the page: Studies of the Ingredients: HgH Amino Acids.
Now let's add up the total amount of mg of ingredients that are included in these two new and improved formulations of GHR PLATINUM. In the formulation For MEN, it is 1,551 mg. In the formulation For WOMEN, it is 1,501 mg. having experience in working with dietary supplements for many years, we can tell you that 1,500 mg ( + / - ) of ingredients is about the maximum that can be put into two capsules of this type. This fact speaks so much about the dedication and commitment of the maker of GHR PLATINUM to the highest level and standards of a top-notch quality product. In comparison, many health supplements do not even have more than 1,000 mg of product in two capsules.
These advanced formulas of GHR PLATINUM anti-aging Hgh Releaser supplements are safe and effective to use. The ingredients are ALL-Natural and Organic. Thus they are also Non-GMO. Additionally, each of these ingredients has been clinically-proven, in research studies, to actually work, to help men and women achieve and enjoy the many remarkable benefits of elevating the levels of their own natural Human Growth Hormone ( HgH ) in their bodies, in a safe, effective and affordable way.
Finally, there are NO known negative side effects and NO known adverse side effects from using these products. So you can have peace of mind, confidence and assurance, each day when you use these amazing Doctor-Formulated HgH supplements. So start using the all new and improved GHR PLATINUM Hgh Releasers today. Begin boosting your HGH levels, so that you can look and feel younger, stronger and more healthy. Regain your zest, vitality and excitement in life, so that you can do, or continue to do - the things that you enjoy and that make you happy.
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