This is one of six additional ingredients added as part of the WOMEN'S ENHANCEMENT COMPLEX into the formula of GHR PLATINUM For WOMEN to provide help and support with their special needs.
CALCIUM - is a critical Mineral needed by your body to build and maintain strong and healthy bones and teeth. A deficiency in this important mineral can lead to thinning of bone density and then osteoporosis.
Your heart, muscles and nerves also need an adequate supply of calcium to properly function.
There is clinical research which suggests that calcium may even prevent weight gain, because it promotes more fat to be burned, while causing less fat to be stored i nthe Adipose ( Fat ) Tissues of the body.
It is thought that the average diet of many people in the USA is believed to be rather low in calcium. The body does not produce this vital mineral on its own. Therefore, it must be obtained from food and vitamin and mineral supplementation. Thus doctors recommend supplementing your diet with additional calcium.
Our Multi Platinum Vitamins and Minerals Complex also includes a good dosage of calcium. With each three bottles of GHR PLATINUM ( For Men or For Women ) that you order, you can also get one bottle FREE of this nutrient packed Anti Aging Vitamins and Minerals supplement.
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