HgH Enhancers - GABA ( Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid ) and HgH

Published on 12 February 2025 at 17:46

Studies on the Ingredients

Dr. Dick Weatherby, MD 
Author of "Naturally Raising Your HGH Levels"


"GABA ( Gamma Amino Butyric Acid ), is a specialized Amino Acid that acts as a Neuro-Transmitter in the brain. It improves the sleep cycle and calms the nervous system. GABA, via GammahydroxyButyrate, is a potent stimulator of HGH release. ( Page 27 )


Here are some additional comments about this book.


"HGH Secretagogues, Exercise, Diet, and Lifestyle explains in detail the revolution that is happening in the field of Human Growth Hormone { HGH } therapy and Anti-Aging science. You will learn how this remarkable hormone can help you lose weight by losing fat and gaining muscle."

"Discover the most effective diet, lifestyle, and exercise recommendations to enhance the natural output of HGH.
You will learn why levels of HGH drop as we age and the strategies to reverse this trend."

"You will also learn about the revolutionary 3rd generation of natural secretagogues that have been shown to restore HGH to youthful levels."

Additionally, GABA ( Gamma Amino Butyric Acid ) helps calm the brain, which is why it helps you to sleep better. It supports relaxation, and reduces stress and fatigue. In these ways, it can also help to balance and improve your mood.

Moreover, research has clearly shown that the amount of BELLY FAT that is in our bodies, is directly related to our HGH production. In other words, people who carry higher levels of BELLY FAT may have levels of HGH production that are reduced or negatively affected. And they also tend to have an increase in the risk of various kinds of diseases.


According to a certain study of people with OBESITY, high levels of INSULIN can cause low levels of Growth Hormone in our bodies. Why does this happen? Consuming excess amounts of carbohydrates and sugars raise INSULIN levels. Then that increase in INSULIN release ( from the PANCREAS ), negatively / adversely affect the activity of various neurons ( NeuroTransmitters ) that cause the release of our HGH from the Pituitary Gland.

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