Studies on the Ingredients
Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D. - BioChemist
Author of "Glandular-Based Food Supplements: Helping to Separate Fact From Fiction";
Bellevue-Redmond Medical Laboratory, Department of Chemistry,
University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA 1980 ( Pages 20-21 )
"Glandular extractions have been used for hundreds of years to improve health. These are now known to greatly improve the human glands responsible for producing HGH. The manufacturer of GHR PLATINUM has been making various Growth Hormone Releasers { G H R } for many years. There are NO other natural supplements that come close to being as effective without these two key active ingredients - Anterior Pituitary ( USA source ) and Hypothalamus ( USA source ).
For a tissue cell to repair itself, it must have the raw materials necessary to do so. Glandular therapy provides the raw materials to the failing glands and tissues, so that they can start the process of regeneration.
BioChemist Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., explains how glandular therapy products work. According to him, glandular-based food supplements may contain small polypeptide, protein-like substances, which have specific messenger activity and which act on target tissues. He suggested glandular tissues, even at low concentrations, still have potent tissue-specific activities.
For example: "a small polypeptide material present in one tissue can have selective effects in encouraging another tissue at a different site in the body to produce hormonal materials, which then may affect a final target tissue and change its physiological function.”
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