Studies on the Ingredients
Gamma Amino Butyric Acid ( GABA ) is an Amino Acid that is found in the brain, spinal cord, and in other places in the body. It functions as a NeuroTransmitter, by sending signals to and from your brain to your Central Nervous System.
This substance works by slowing down or inhibiting signals from your brain to your nerves. Consequently it has a calming effect on your Nervous System. As a result, researchers think that it plays an important role in controlling the hyperactivity of nerve cells that is associated with anxiety, stress and fear.
There is an interesting connection between GABA and the production of Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) in your Pituitary Gland.
One particular research study discovered that taking Gamma Amino Butyric Acid ( GABA ) as a supplement led to a 400% increase in HGH levels while at rest.
Growth hormone isoform responses to GABA ingestion at rest and after exercise
"Oral administration of the Amino Acid / Inhibitory NeuroTransmitter Gamma AminoBbutyric Acid ( GABA )
Reportedly Elevates Resting Serum Growth Hormone ( GH ) Concentrations"
Eleven ( 11 ) resistance-trained men ( ages 18 - 30 years old ) participated in a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, crossover study. During each experimental session, participants ingested either 3 grams of GABA or a Sucrose Placebo, followed either by resting or resistance exercise sessions. Fasting venous blood samples were then acquired at various intervals.
The data that was obtained by measuring certain markers during the intervals tested, indicated that taking the ingested GABA elevated Growth Hormone ( GH ) concentrations while resting and after exercising.
Sleep and the GH / IGF-1 axis: Consequences and countermeasures of sleep loss/disorders
Then other research studies have shown that not having enough sleep can actually lower the amount of HGH that our bodies produce. Here is one such study.
"This article presents an up-to-date review of the state-of-the-art knowledge regarding the effect of sleep on the Anabolic Growth Hormone / Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 ( GH / IGF-1 ) axis. This axis is involved in learning and memory and neuro-protection at the central level, and in the cross-talk between sleep and the immune system, with respect to its anti-inflammatory properties. We also aim to provide insight into the consequences of sleep loss on cognitive capacities in healthy individuals.
"We also aim to provide insight into the Consequences of Sleep Loss on Cognitive Capacities in Healthy Individuals and Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea ( OSA ), regarding the mechanistic association with the GH / IGF-1 axis."
You can read more about the various hormones in the body related to Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ). Scroll down two ( 2 ) paragraphs past "Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone ( GH - RH )", to Growth Hormone ( GH ), which also explains a little about Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 ( IGF-1 ) in the Liver. These are all hormones which affect, help regulate, or control - either the Production and Secretion ( Release ) of HGH, or the Inhibition of its Release.
In other words, our bodies need a proper and health balance. And there are multiple hormones, which are built from proteins containing Amino Acids, that are all involved in when and how much of our own Growth Hormone ( GH ) is produced in the Pituitary Gland and then released into our brains and bodies.
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