Studies on the Ingredients
"Health Benefits and Applications of Goji Berries in Functional Food Products Development: A Review"
GOJI BERRIES ( Lycium Barbarum ) have been eaten in countries in Asian for centuries, both for their amazing health value, as well as for medicinal reasons. They contain so many nutrients and substances that support good health. When you read the summary below, you might consider them to be a "super food", given that they are packed with so much nutritional value.
They are rich in dietary fibers, along with various Vitamins ( Vitamin C ) and lots of Minerals ( Potassium, Ccopper, Manganese, Iron, and Zinc ).
Additionally, they are filled with Phytochemicals, including Polyphenols, Phenolic Acids, Flavonoids, Lignans and Carotenoids ( Zeaxanthin - for the eyes ), which possess Anti-Oxidant properties, that help protect against damage to tissues and cells caused by Free Radicals. They also have Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Microbial properties, as well as provide still other health benefits.
This includes their high amounts of beneficial Fatty Acids, such as Linoleic Acid, Oleic, Palmitic and Stearic Acid. This powerful fruits also supports a healthy Immune Function, have Anti-Diabetic and Neuro-Protective effects.
Then, on top of all of the above nutrients, they also happen to contain 18 of the 22 Protein-Creating Amino Acids, of which Serine ( "Non-Essential" ) and Proline ( "Conditional" ) have the highest concentrations.
To learn more about the 22 Amino Acids that are the Building Blocks of making ALL proteins, read this Blog Article:
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