More About the HgH Amino Acids Blend: Lysine

Published on 16 February 2025 at 12:45

The HgH AMINO ACIDS in the GHR PLATINUM products contain these Five ( 5 ) Amino Acids in a Proprietary Blend:


  • L-Arginine
  • L-Glutamine
  • L-Glycine
  • L-Lysine
  • L-Tyrosine

LYSINE - is one of EIGHT ( 8 ) Amino Acids that are called "Essential". This means that our bodies cannot make them on our own. Therefore we must consume them from protein foods we eat. Or we must get them by taking supplements which contain them in bio-available forms, which our bodies can then properly and effectively absorb.

    LYSINE is one of the necessary amino acids used in the making of all proteins in the body. It is one of the building blocks to create muscle protein. It is also needed to synthesize enzymes, anti-bodies and various hormones. It plays a significant part in the absorption of the Mineral Calcium and helps to decrease the loss of calcium in urine.


    And like GLUTAMINE, it too assists in healing and in the repairing of tissues and cells in recovering from wounds. It may work in this capacity as a binding agent, to help increase the number of new cells in a wound that is healing. And just like GLYCINE, it is also needed to make Collagen - which is used for skin, nails, hair and various connective tissues in the body. It is also a precursor to L-Carnitine, which is essential for a healthy Nervous System Function.


    Lysine is also critical for proper physical growth. It has an important role in the production of Carnitine, which is a derivative of amino acids, which converts FATTY ACIDS into usable energy. It also reduces levels of Cholesterol.


    A deficiency of Lysine in the body can cause various health issues, including slow physical growth, nausea, dizziness and fatigue.

    Lysine is a precursor for L-Carathine which is essential for healthy Nervous System Function. It is also necessary for: growth, synthesizing new muscles, and to form Carnitine, a substance which is found in most cells - that transports  FATTY ACIDS across your cells and converts them to be burned for energy. Carnitine carries Long-Chain Fatty Acids into the mitochondria of cells to produce energy. It then removes toxins produced by this metabolism out of the cells.


    Lysine may help reduce anxiety and stress, although more research is needed to establish if this is so.

    There are various research studies over the past thirty years, which show that increasing your intake of the Amino Acids of Arginine and LYSINE will help boost the production and release of Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) in our bodies. Both of these amino acids are included in the GHR PLATINUM Hgh Boosters. These and other similar studies and trials conclude that LYSINE is a Growth Hormone Releaser ( GHR ). Here are several of these research studies:

    Increased Human Growth Hormone following oral Consumption of an Amino Acid Supplement: Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, crossover study in healthy subjects


    "It is well established that intravenous (IV) administration of some amino acids results in significantly increased hGH secretion. Such studies prompted testing of oral amino acids supplements ( primarily Arginine, LYSINE and Orthinine ) to stimulate hGH secretion."

    A study of growth hormone release in man after oral administration of amino acids


    "A study was carried out in [ fifteen ] 15 male volunteers to evaluate qualitatively the secretion of growth factors following stimulation by oral amino acids. The results showed that oral administration of a combination of two amino acids ( 1200 mg 1-LYSINE plus 1200 mg 1-Arginine ) provoked a release of Pituitary Somatotropin and Insulin."


    "This phenomenon was reproducible and the growth hormone secreted in response to this stimulation had biological activity ( as demonstrated by a radioreceptor assay and somatomedin induction ). The effect appeared to be specific to the combination of the two amino acids; neither of the amino acids demonstrated appreciable stimulating activity when administered alone, even at the same doses.


    To learn more about Somatotropin, read this section about hormones that are related to Human Growth Hormones

    Acute Effect of Amino Acid Ingestion and Resistance Exercise on Plasma Growth Hormone Concentration in Young Men


    Sixteen men completed four trials at random as follows:


    ( Trial A ) Performance of a single bout of resistance exercise preceded by placebo ingestion ( Vitamin C );

    ( Trial B ) Ingestion of 1,500 mg L-Arginine and 1,500 mg L-LYSINE, immediately followed by exercise as in Trial A;


    ( Trial C ) Ingestion of amino acids as in Trial B and no exercise;

    ( Trial D ) Placebo ingestion and no exercise.


    Growth Hormone ( GH ) concentrations were higher at 30, 60, and 90 min during the ( two ) exercise trials ( A and B ) compared with the resting trials ( C and D ). No differences were noted in Growth Hormone [ GH ] between the exercise trials.


    It was concluded that ingestion of 1,500 mg Arginine and 1,500 mg LYSINE immediately before resistance exercise does not alter exercise-induced changes in Growth Hormone [ GH ] in young men.


    However, when the same amino acid mixture ( 1,500 mg Arginine and 1,500 mg LYSINE ) is ingested under basal conditions, the acute secretion ( release ) of [ Growth Hormone ] GH is increased.

    NOTE: There are Twenty Two ( 22 ) Amino Acids, which form the building blocks of proteins. These amino acids are therefore called "ProteinOgenic" ( Protein Creating ). They are divided into the following Three ( 3 ) Groups:




    You can read more about these different Amino Acids in this Blog Article
    about the
    History and Development of GHR Products & GHR Platinum: HgH Amino Acids Blend

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