More About the HgH Amino Acids Blend: Tyrosine

Published on 16 February 2025 at 13:41

The HgH AMINO ACIDS in the GHR PLATINUM products contain these Five ( 5 ) Amino Acids in a Proprietary Blend:


  • L-Arginine
  • L-Glutamine
  • L-Glycine
  • L-Lysine
  • L-Tyrosine

TYROSINE - is one of EIGHT ( 8 ) Amino Acids that are called "Conditional". This means that the body can produce it. However, there are times when our ability to do so, is limited or restricted. This could be as a result of certain health conditions or issues, which may exist in our bodies at the time. Since our bodies can make it naturally, is is also known as a "Non-Essential" amino acid. However, for some adults with significant health conditions, it becomes a necessary and critical amino acid during those times.

Tyrosine is made from Phenylalanine, one of the "Essential" Amino Acids. We must consume enough Phenylalanine  in our intake of protein foods, or get it from supplements. Therefore if we lack enough of Phenylalanine, we will be deficient in Tyrosine as well.


Tyrosine - plays a role in the synthesis of building other proteins. As such, it is also involved in the production of the various Thyroid Hormones ( Thyroxin ), which helps regulate MetabolismAdreno-Cortical HormonesMelanin ( a pigment that is found in the hair, skin and iris of the eyes ), Enzymesand certain NeuroTransmitters.


These NeuroTransmitters in our brains, affect various Cognitive Abilities, such as mood, focus, concentration, memory, working memory, cognitive flexibility ( ability to switch tasks or change thoughts ) and following instructions.


So this amino acid is a precursor for the NeuroTransmitters / HormonesDopamineEpinephrineNorepinephrineAdrenaline and Noradrenaline. These substances can influence HgH secretion from our Pituitary Glands.


Dopamine is vital for our mental functioning and mood, and regulates the reward and pleasure centers. This important
brain substance is also critical for memory and motor skills.


Adrenaline and Noradrenalin are hormones that are responsible for what is called the "Fight-or-Flight Response" in stressful situations. They enable our bodies to stand and fight, or flee and run - from a perceived or actual attack or harm.


In these ways, this particular amino acid helps to balance the affects of excessive physical and mental stress. When we are under a high level of stress, we often have difficulty thinking clearly and remembering things. Research studies have shown that supplementation with Tyrosine helped to improve such Cognitive Ability. Numerous other studies which have been conducted, proved that Tyrosine reduces anxiety and stress, and assists people to be more mentally alert.


Likewise, Tyrosine has a part in the making of substances in the brain called "Enkephalins". These unique compounds provide pain-relieving effects to the body. They are critical to the healthy functioning of our brains, because they are responsible for transmitting nerve impulses / signals, and prevent conditions such as depression.


Additionally, this amino acid also plays a role in the regulation of Blood Pressure, and helping to lower body FAT. Moreover, it is also an AntiOxidant, helping to protect your body from damage of Free Radicals.

There has been a lot of research to discover how TYROSINE stimulates the Pituitary Gland to cause it to release ( more ) Growth Hormone ( GH ). This increased secretion of our GH, through the work of Tyrosinemay occur at particular times, especially when under stress.


One study found that it plays a major role in improving levels of both HGH and IGF-1, especially under conditions of stress or during high-intensity workouts. It is believed that it works by activating an Enzyme, called Tyrosine Kinase, which then acts like a messenger, that signals the body to start various processes involving the production and release of Growth Hormone ( GH ).


Moreover, according to various scientific studies, the ability of TYROSINE to elevate the release of our Human Growth Hormone ( HgH ), is increased - when it is combined with certain other Amino Acids. Thus research studies have already shown that combining TYROSINE with the Amino Acids ARGININE and LYSINE can cause a more significant boost in levels of HGH, when compared to taking it alone.


There is already plenty of research which concludes that elevating the intake of both ARGININE and LYSINE, especially when these two combined together, leads to an increased production and release of Growth Hormone ( GH ).

Increased human growth hormone following oral consumption of an amino acid supplement: results of a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study in healthy subjects


"Does an investigational amino acid supplement affect hGH release? This was a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, crossover study that included 16 ( 12 males, 4 females ; Age 32 ±14 years ) healthy participants. All participants received both placebo and the amino acid supplement after an overnight fast and completed all study visits. Treatment order was randomized and each treatment was separated by a 1-week washout period."


"The primary outcome were the percent change in hGH from baseline to 120 minutes and the area under the curve of hGH over baseline. At 120 minutes, hGH levels increased by 682% ( 8-fold ) from baseline and were significantly higher than placebo.  In addition, a significantly higher mean AUC was observed for the amino acid supplement compared to placebo."

Conclusion: These results show that a single dose of the oral amino acid supplement was sufficient to significantly increase hGH levels in healthy adult males and females.

Tyrosine Hydroxylase Neurons Regulate Growth Hormone Secretion via Short-Loop Negative Feedback


"Classical studies suggest that Growth Hormone ( GH ) secretion is controlled by negative-feedback loops mediated by GH-Releasing Hormone ( GH - RH ) - or Somatostatin-expressing neurons."


The regulation of GH secretion relies on the ability of these cells to sense changes in circulating GH levels to adjust pituitary GH secretion within a narrow physiological range. However, our study identifies a specific population of TYROSINE hydroxylase-expressing neurons that is critical to auto-regulate GH secretion via a negative-feedback loop.

Working Memory Reloaded: Tyrosine Repletes Updating in the N-Back Task


We tested the idea that the food supplement L-Tyrosine ( TYR ) repletes { fills / supplies } resources required for Cognitive-control operations. We investigated whether the “updating” ( and monitoring ) of Working Memory ( WM ) representations, a key Cognitive-control function, can be promoted by administering L-Tyrosine ( TYR ), the biochemical precursor of Dopamine ( DA ).


Interestingly, executive control has been considered to emerge from the interplay between cognitive stability ( defined as the maintenance of task-relevant representations ) and flexibility ( defined as the ability to adapt, update, and shift between informational states ) – two major, but partially antagonistic functions of cognitive control, (that are) related correspondingly to the PreFrontal Cortex ( PFC ) and the Striatum, which both are modulated by Dopamine ( DA ) - the precursor of which is L-Tyrosine (  TYR ).


The current study focused, for the first time, on the acute effect of L-Tyrosine (  TYR ) supplementation on the updating (and monitoring) of Working Memory ( WM ) representations – a key Cognitive-control function. We tested whether WM updating can be promoted by administering the food supplement L-Tyrosine (  TYR ). We investigated the link between L-Tyrosine (  TYR ) supplementation and the monitoring of WM in healthy adults exposed to an oral dose of either L-Tyrosine (  TYR ) or a neutral placebo.


Conclusion: The present study is the first to demonstrate that Tyrosine supplementation promotes Working Memory ( WM ) updating. As expected, the more challenging 2-back condition was more sensitive to the effect of Tyrosine, which reinforces our suspicion that only tasks with considerable Cognitive demands benefit from Tyrosine. As we have argued in the introduction, this may be because more demanding Cognitive operations are more likely or more efficient to exhaust the available Cognitive resources, which can then be repleted { filled / supplied } by Tyrosine.

Tyrosine promotes cognitive flexibility: evidence from proactive vs. reactive control during task switching performance


Tyrosine ( TYR ), an amino acid found in various foods, has been shown to increase Dopamine ( DA ) levels in the brain. Recent studies have provided evidence that Tyrosine ( TYR ) supplementation can improve facets of cognitive control in situations with high cognitive demands.


Here we investigated whether TYR promotes cognitive flexibility, a cognitive-control function that is assumed to be modulated by Dopamine ( DA ). We tested the effect of TYR on proactive vs. reactive control during task switching performance, which provides a relatively well-established diagnostic of cognitive flexibility. In a Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled design, 22 healthy adults performed in a task-switching paradigm.


Conclusion: Compared to a neutral placebo, Tyrosine ( TYR ) promoted cognitive flexibility ( i.e. reduced switching costs ). This finding supports the idea that Tyrosine ( TYR ) can facilitate cognitive flexibility by repleting { filling / supplying }cognitive resources.

Behavioral and cognitive effects of tyrosine intake in healthy human adults


The amino acid Tyrosine is the precursor to the catecholamine NeuroTransmitters Dopamine and Norepinephrine. Increasing Tyrosine uptake may positively influence catecholamine-related psychological functioning.


We conducted a systematic review to examine the effects of Tyrosine on behavior and cognition. Fifteen studies were reviewed. All studies except one involved Tyrosine loading during a single test session. In most behavioral studies, there were no significant effects of Tyrosine on exercise performance.


In contrast, cognitive studies employing neuro-psychological measures found that Tyrosine loading acutely counteracts decrements ( gradual decreases ) in working memory and information processing that are induced by demanding situational conditions such as extreme weather or cognitive load.


Conclusion: The buffering effects of Tyrosine on cognition may be explained by Tyrosine's ability to neutralize depleted brain catecholamine levels. There is evidence that Tyrosine may benefit healthy individuals exposed to demanding situational conditions.

Effect of tyrosine supplementation on clinical and healthy populations
under stress or cognitive demands - A review


Consuming the amino acid Tyrosine ( TYR ), the precursor of Dopamine ( DA ) and Norepinephrine ( NE ), may counteract decrements ( gradual decreases ) in neurotransmitter function and cognitive performance. However, reports on the effectiveness of TYR supplementation vary considerably, with some studies finding beneficial effects, whereas others do not. Here we review the available cognitive/behavioral studies on TYR, to elucidate whether and when TYR supplementation can be beneficial for performance.


Conclusion: In contrast, Tyrosine ( TYR ) does seem to effectively enhance cognitive performance, particularly in short-term stressful and / or cognitively demanding situations. We conclude that Tyrosine ( TYR ) is an effective enhancer of cognition, but only when NeuroTransmitter function is intact and Dopamine ( DA ) and/or Norepinephrine ( NE ) is temporarily depleted.

NOTE: There are Twenty Two ( 22 ) Amino Acids, which form the building blocks of proteins. These amino acids are therefore called "ProteinOgenic" ( Protein Creating ). They are divided into the following Three ( 3 ) Groups:




You can read more about these different Amino Acids in this Blog Article
about the
History and Development of GHR Products & GHR Platinum: HgH Amino Acids Blend

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