Studies on the Ingredients
Dr. Harold Bloomfield, MD - Psychiatrist in Del Mar, California
Co-Author of "How To Deal With Depression"
Vitamin B1 ( Thiamin ) helps increase energy. It aids digestion, is essential for transmission of certain nerve signals in the brain. It also helps keep the heart muscles healthy. A healthy intake of the B-Complex Vitamins is important for anyone who wants to keep depression at bay."
Thiamin ( Vitamin B1 ) helps your body convert the foods that you eat into usable energy. It accomplishes this by turning them into a substance called Adenosine Triphosphate ( ATP ) - that is the main carrier of energy for your cells to use. Thus it works together with the Amino Acid: Aspartic Acid.
Getting enough of this vitamin on a daily basis is also necessary for proper functioning of the nerve cells. Thus having a deficiency can cause certain health issues, such as decreased functioning of the Immune System, inflammation in the lower extremities, loss of muscle coordination, and even mental confusion.
The B Vitamins are water-soluable. This means that they are NOT stored in the body. So we need to consume enough of them every day, or take supplements.
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